Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Lyme Saga Part II

My Lyme Saga - Part II 

8/27/14  - I am starting to lose faith in the medical community as a whole, and in their ability to tackle  a challenging case (Chronic Lyme with the complication of autoimmune disease (lupus), SubclassIII IgG immune deficiency, Esophageal Spasms and Colitis,  and allergies to a lot of medication, for starters)  such as mine. (Where is Dr. Gregory House when he's needed?????  Oh yeah - they cancelled that series...)  
      I really don't know where else to go with this. I need to get this off my chest, so I am typing it out so I can try to get a handle on this, I need to know if it is ME who is crazy….    Yesterday, I was made to feel like I have been given up on, yet again, and that I am just a nut job.   Nobody wants to treat me for this latest complication, and I've been passed from one doctor to the next, and still being passed...  I had an appointment with my PCP for a follow up yesterday, as I saw him ((Dr. P. and Dr. N.)  2 months ago for a tick bite with Bulls-eye rash and also for Lyme symptoms that I had been having even for a while before this last rash.  Dr. P's original treatment plan was IV doxy, 200mg over 60 min. once daily, through a PICC (because of my severe stomach/vomiting issues) which was approved by Dr. N  - which, if you've been following, I ended up having allergic reactions to after the third infusion, so I was sent to an Infectious disease doctor (Dr. S) She seemed good and willing to work with my case when we (me and my husband) were in her office…  We left there with hope. False hope.
    Anyhow, the doctors that I had been given names of -  I looked them up and none of them are taking new patients according to the website, and half of them are not on my insurance plan, besides.                                              
      I told my PCP (Dr. P) yesterday (8/26), what had happened at that appointment, and he came up with a new plan, of trying a cephalosporin antibiotic dripped in over 2 hours with 50 mgs. of  benadryl-IV push- 15 minutes prior,  to try to ward off any possible reaction... We discussed the fact that the only "reaction" that I could remember that had happened in the past with  cephalosporins was severe gastric pain and vomiting...  (same thing with  azithromycin) and  we also discussed that if that didn't work, I might be a candidate for  de-sensitization, since I am HIGHLY allergic to so many meds  it is dangerous for me to be around sick people, etc., since I've got "NO IMMUNE SYSTEM".....
      I explained to him how this is really freaking me out now, that I am afraid to leave the house, touch anything, breathe around people, etc... because of my Immune issues and polypharmacy allergic status...  He said how he completely understood.  He said he would go get Dr. H to sign off on the orders, and that we would get this taken care of, somehow...
     Right. The doctor who is over my PCP- Dr. H, (This IS a medical teaching hospital, which is why I picked them in the first place...) refused to approve his treatment plan/ideas, came into the room, said she was afraid I had the PICC in WAY too long and that it was going to become infected (it was in a little under 2 months), then proceeded to take it out right there in her office, sans gloves, in a non- sterile environment-  she said this was "temporary" until I get to see another I.D. dr...  

Now for the clincher - she proceeded to then say, she doesn't want to treat me for something SHE feels I may not have....WHA??????   mind you - her reasoning as to WHY she pulled it was that (A) it is a harbinger of infection (B) I'm allergic to most antibiotics (C) she is afraid I will get an infection in it and finally, (B) never be able to have a PICC line again.... again, I say... WHA??????   !!!!   ????   She then tossed it in the garbage without even measuring it...  Beforehand, when she was winding up about how it is "soooooo dangerous in my compromised immunity/ polypharmacy allergy status",   I had asked her if she was able to remove it PROPERLY, in an office setting ... She said "of course" and then asked Dr. P.  if he had ever done one before, and he said, "No, not in an office setting", then she grabbed my arm, took the sterile bandaging  cover off of it with her NAILS  (want to talk about HARBINGERS OF INFECTION??????)  and took it out...   HOPEfully it all came out, nothing broke off - because I did have a valve-like sheath that had been at the end of the PICC line- the reason my home nursing staff deduced THAT, was - while the line flushed perfectly, there always was an ever -so - slight resistance at the start, but not enough that it wouldn't go through, BUT - we NEVER were able to get a backward blood draw on it...
      Dr. H then proceeded to tell me that the symptoms (the acute ones were achy body, fever, bulls-eye rash, headache)  (the chronic ones I now experience are nausea, dizziness, tiredness, migraines, the elevated blood pressure, the SVTs, severe left knee pain/swelling and  crawly- tingling in my arms, and legs) I have been having are most likely not due to Lyme, and that I MUST have some sort of neck problem, and she kept insisting that I was complaining primarily of neck problems... Honestly?  I do not understand where she came up with this… Yes. I’ve had neck problems in the past  - PAIN in my neck, no tingling down my arms, and I’ve had EMG’s MRI’s and CT’s which have ALL RULED OUT cervical issues…. And I told her that.  She wants the records and wants to proceed along those lines, regardless... which makes NO SENSE to me,   why don't we  just wait and make things even worse??????    Wait..... WHAT????? 
       When I left - our "plan of attack" is that I am to keep my appointment with the allergist, and, "I" am to call another Infectious Disease specialist - a name I had googled under "Lyme Infectious Disease doctors"  (who I just found out today is no longer in private practice and is now partnered with Dr. D... ) and see if I can get in there to discuss my "possible" Lyme problems, but she really doesn't think this IS my issue ...I guess being bit by 18 ticks THIS season alone, and by far this is the LEAST amount of tick bites I've had per season, over the past 6 years...  and bulls-eye rashes from some of them, in total, about 20 over this same period of time (2 this year alone), does not equate to Lyme.     Seriously….As I previously said - I had saved some of the ticks, brought them with me when I was first to the doctor, and was told "we don't test them anymore, when we see the bulls-eye rash like YOU had, we can safely assume Lyme AND at least one of the other 2 tick borne illnesses, so you can just throw them away"... so I did....  (Again -To clarify - This was my PCP,  Dr. P.. and the doctor who was overseeing him that day, Dr. N (I think – I honestly can’t remember his name, but he was a male doctor I had never seen before)... who was quite concerned that I have had this for a while, since I have had many tick bites and rashes through the years, with varying degree of symptoms, and said I need to have my husband check me daily for ticks and we laughed about the Brad Paisley song, “I want to check you for ticks”)... 
       But NOW,  Dr. H is certain that the rashes I have had must be dermatologic in nature.... and all my symptoms have NOTHING to do with tick borne illness, I have c-spine problems, and I need an EMG.......    

     Does this make ANY sense????  Or am I really just the crazy one here?????    I don't want to get so sick that I can't function. I am afraid this is getting worse every day it goes untreated.....   I am SOOOO afraid...  

8/28/14  Ok now this is getting freaky....   Last night I had not one, but three rashes on my body... two of which were classic bulls-eye rashes.  Warm to the touch.  And BOTH were in places I have had tick bites before... the larger but lighter of the two on my back in the same spot as before, the other on my belly, and the plain spot (not bulls-eye - just redness) lower than that...  But I don't have Lyme (or any tick borne illness...)  No. Not at all.   

8/29/14  -  Called four I.D.doctors in the area... Nope. Nobody treats Lyme.  I was asked by every single person I spoke with "WHY are YOU making these calls?  This is your PCP's responsibility.  Besides - NO specialist is going to see you without them making the first contact/referral...."   Yes, I know this, but my PCP will not do anything more for me.  I also called three Rheumatologists - none of which treat Lyme (this on the recommendation of one of the I.D. offices - they said "your PCP and Rheumatologists are the ones who treat Lyme not us)...   Oh. My PCP, you say????  Hmm... Novel thought.  
      I also called the Board of Health in Suffolk, who cannot give me any information because "nobody treats Lyme around here"...  but did give me the name/number of the Tidewater Epidemiologist's office, who I called... left message... have not heard anything as of yet....    I also called Dr. Steven Streit's office in Howell, NJ to see if they knew of anyone in my area treating Lyme... nope.  They DID, however, refer me to IgeniX Labs, who emailed me a list of 7 doctors who treat Lyme (the proper way)  - however, they are ALL in the NOVA area, or Roanoke area.  One is halfway between Charlottesville and NOVA - that may be an option... "IF" they take my insurance... therein lies the next "rub"... most of them DO NOT, and are quite expensive... as are the treatments, which will NOT be approved by insurance if the doctors are not taking insurance.... :(    OH the Manatee....  

8/30/14 -  Just a quick, morning blog -  two of the bulls-eye rashes have faded - one is just an angry red spot now, and the red spot that was just a red spot is still a red spot.   Yes. This is my life.  You are welcome to it.                     

My Lyme Saga Part I

My Lyme Saga:  Part I   (I am pasting this from a word doc. I had originally typed it into, as I am beginning this blog at Part II of this saga....  Just wanted to keep this part, in here, for continuity).  Anyone who's been following my saga on Facebook, you've already heard most of what is here in Part I... but I've edited for accuracy as far as some of what was said to me/done to me.  

   6/24/14 - Went to the PCP today... brought my photo with me of the bulls-eye rash I "HAD", from the tick bite I received on 5/29/14.  They took one look at it, after listening to the symptoms I have been having (just related to this bite), and said, "Yes, that is the Lyme bulls-eye- you more than likely have not only LYme, but one or both of the other 2 tick borne illness, too, as they do usually co-exist within the ticks around here"...Oh - I brought the tick that caused the bulls-eye rash with me, to be tested. They told me to throw it out, they don't need it, as clearly, I had the bulls-eye rash and symptoms consistent with Tick borne illness. And since I have had Lyme in the past, and also have Lupus, they can't even run tests on me, because they will get either a false negative, or a positive, anyhow.  

  So, the plan is, I am to start on IV Doxycycline as soon as they can set up having a PICC put in place.   Whew.  At least this will be taken care of finally, after five plus years of tick bites (Close to 100), and over 20 bulls-eye rashes (that had resolved by the time I went to see my former doctor).  Feeling grateful that maybe, finally, I have the ability to get better from SOMETHING.... :)  But we shall see...somehow, I have a lingering suspicion that is not going to be the case, as this IS Virginia, and the medical care I've seen so far, when it is a serious problem has been sub-par....   But I"ll stop the negativity for a moment, and just bask in the gratefullness of the fact that there is treatment and hope. 

  7/2/14 - After much ado about nothing, the PICC line was finally placed today.  It was a little nerve wracking, insofar as at first, they wanted to do it in the "holding'" area in the middle of the surgical suite, where it is not "sterile", etc... the Floor nurse flipped.  She said "this woman is immunocompromised.  
You will NOT do it here, you WILL find a room for her to be in.  Period".  And they did.  They were wonderful.  Let me listen to my meditation music as they were prepping me and doing the procedure. 
They actually liked my music, and thought it was a great idea, and that they may implement it for every PICC procedure, as it went well, even when they hit my heart... Yes, you read that right.  The PICC line was inserted to 40''.  My heart went flipping crazy.   And I got dizzy.  So they had to back it out. to 38".  Yes, that is 2 inches....  But no harm done, I'm home, and I"m fine.  It is a little sore, but that's ok.  The heating pad is working fine.  Now for the antibiotics.  That will start tomorrow.  

7/3/14 - I have had my first infusion.  Not much to report. Thank God.  Feeling a little stuffy in my nose, but nothing worth complaining about.  YAY!!!

7/4/14 - Happy fourth, all!!!  I've had the second infusion today, A little concerned.  Felt definite stuffiness, and a little itchy on my arms, but that was it.  Hopefully the benadryl will help that and I won't have to stop this.  Fingers are crossed.....

7/5/14 - Definitely having an allergic reaction to the Doxy.  :(  I could just cry.  Tonight, my throat was itchy and I had a hive on my ear, along with the stuffiness.  Took benadryl and stopped the infusion after half an hour.  Called the nurse, and they said they will contact the doctor.  

7/6/14 - Going to try azithromycin, 2x daily over 90 minutes instead of Doxy.  Joy.  Erythromycins cause me such gastric issues... hopefully with the PICC that won't happen this time.... again, :fingerscrossed: 

7/7/14 - Had first infusion today, had to stop the infusion a few times, as I was getting really nauseous.  I had taken Benadryl (50mg) prior, and another one (25mg) in the middle of the infusion, and one more at the end (25 mg).  I was really sleepy. and when the nurse left, I laid down.  My head felt full, but not stuffy... weird sensation - almost like being in a tunnel.  But no allergic symptoms.   I woke up at 3:00 a.m. with the WORSE esophogeal spasms, ever.   Took my meds to stop THAT.  And I slept all night long. 

 7/8/14 - Called nursing staff to let them know what had happened last night when I woke up at 3:00 a.m. They called the Doctor, spoke with Dr. R, who said to hold off on another infusion of the Azith, Waiting on call back.  

7/9/14 - Had to call the doctors office again, as I've heard NOTHING.  Dr. R finally called me back, very flippant, and said "we just cannot treat you - you will have to deal with this, since there's nothing we can give you at this point".   I asked her about I.D. doctors... she said she'd get back to me.   About 15 minutes later, she calls back and tells me that the I.D. doctors upstairs told her that(sic - ALL) ID doctors "Do not treat lyme".... So I asked her "who does" ...she fumbled over her words, and said that I was not going to be treated,due to my allergies, that I needed an allergist - and when I asked her if an allergist would treat me for the Lyme, she asked 'So you are refusing to see an allergist?"  I replied "NO - I think an allergist is a GREAT idea - but in the meantime, what do we do about the Lyme"... Her response was "Ok, then, Ï'll have my office staff get back to you with an allergist's name"  and that was the end of the convo - she hung up.  Needless to say, I am VERY upset and I don't know what I am going to do, as my symptoms are still here, and I really do think this is deeper/has gone on longer than just this latest tick bite... (which  was in MAY, and it is now July... ) I think, at this point, I am in chronic stages of lyme, and maybe this tick bite just made things worse... IDK what to think... but I am very upset and depressed, that my doctors are refusing to treat me, and refusing to help find someone who will.  WTF....

Honestly?  This doctor has no idea how she has made me feel - I feel like I am worthless in her eyes. DEFINITELY not worth the effort of finding a treatment or someone that CAN treat me...  Cannot stop crying.....  

7/11/14 - Had an appointment with my neuro today - my normal,annual checkup.  Dr Goldberg is pissed. He said Lyme cannot go untreated.  He has seen, firsthand, what late stage Lyme can do... He believes in the 6-week MINIMUM Doxy treatment, not 2 weeks...  and that is if it helps... otherwise, even longer treatment is necessary....   Sadly, he cannot treat me with IV, however, so he can't do it. Told me he will find someone who wil help me.   Tonight I feel a little better/more hopeful.

7/17/14 - Well, I don't know how it happened, or why, but I've FINALLY gotten a phonecall/ referral to an I.D. doctor, through my primary care's office - Dr. H is the one who had her nurse call and let me know (and orders for a PICC care kit)... This, after being told by  Dr. R that " I.D. doctors DO NOT treat Lyme/Babiesosis/Ehrlichosis...." and that she just could not treat me and I'd have to  go untreated, because of my "extensive, so-called allergies"!!!! Someone (another doctor, maybe?) must've read them the riot act... and I think I know who did so... thanks, Dr. G... You came through on your promise... (Plus the name I have been referred to, is one that was also given to me by yet ANOTHER doctor I see - Dr.H. at CPM, who also was pretty miffed that it would even be a THOUGHT to go "untreated" by a doctor)... — feeling hopeful.

8/11/14 - Dave and I went to see the Infectious Disease doctor (Dr.D )  today. I am to begin treatment, again, tomorrow. She seems to be pretty good, she told us she will work with me and my allergies to git-er-done.. If I have a reaction to the Doxycycline, which we will be infusing 2x a day instead of once, at lower mg's (100mg's over 90 minutes) with IV benadryl prior, she said she will continue to try other ones, until we find something I can tolerate. Whew. There is hope.  

8/13/14 - After the first infusion which didn't happen until tonight, everything seems to be ok.  The IV benadryl really made me tired, but I was able to stay awake for the whole infusion.   I've got to take the IV line off after each infusion though, and they had to re-program the machine for me so that I don't have it dripping in continually until the next infusion... to ward off any issues.  Feeling MINUTELY stuffy, but that could also be the benadryl.  Wish it wasn't nighttime, though.... this was "supposed"to begin in the a.m., so I could monitor myself throughout the day - not go to bed with a potential allergen floating around inside of me.  But I am not worried.  I will remain positive.  All good comes from being positive.  :)  
8/14/14 - Had the second and third infusions today.  Not good.  During #2, I had a sort of prickly-itchy sensation going on in my arms - like there was an unsharp mosquito under my skin, every here and there...  but that was the only sensation I had.   So I chose to try the third infusion, tonight.   Bad move.   After the first 5 minutes, I was prickly again.  So I took another benadryl (oral) and continued with the infusion.  After 15 minutes, I was not only prickly, I was stuffy, AND the inside of my ears started itching, along with the back of my throat.  So I stopped the infusion, gave myself yet ANOTHER IV push of the benadryl, and took off the pump.  I am disgusted with my body.  It is continually going against itself, failing me.  Well, I'll call the doctor in the morning.  Hopefully we can switch to the azithromycin with maybe 50 mgs of benadryl prior...  just to be safe...   But I"m sure she will come up with something.  She said she would.  

8/15/14 - still waiting to hear back from Dr. D.   .....   

8/16/14 - finally got a message back from Dr. D (I was in the bathroom when she called and did not hear the phone ring)... Apparently,  I am not sick enough for her to treat me...  Her message seemed to be paradoxical and she kept contradicting herself - she says that "I don't treat chronic Lyme", but then says that my symptoms seem to have resolved (WHAT?) and that my body probably has fought off the bacteria with its own immunity, anyhow.... Wait.  it's OWN immunity???  I have immunity???? Since when???  I've been on prednisone for over 2o years, and I've got Lupus, plus an IgG subclass III Immunodeficiency, (that - again - my doctors have refused to treat because they "don't really know what to do")...   But my body has fought it off.  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.  THEN she said that since the "rash" was over a month ago, and she didn't see it, that if I persist in "thinking" I have Lyme, then they would have to do a spinal to see if it is CNS Lyme...   (Like she's trying to SCARE me into not seeking treatment)...  She then proceeded to SAY "The testing and treatment can be worse than the disease itself, so I don't want to treat you... I am not a Lyme expert, but I am sure your issues are now resolved... If you get ANOTHER bulls-eye rash, or have another tick bite, then I would have to think about desensitization... but that is also very dangerous in your case...  "   SO, I called her back.  She repeated EVERYTHING she said in her message, and INSISTED that I no longer have Lyme... and when I questioned her as to how that could be possible given my immunological STATUS, she had no answer other than "well, it is possible" - and when I asked her what she would do if I had a cut that got infected...would she opt to not treat THAT because it was just too much work to find something that works, and let me either lose my foot or die...   She responded with " ÖH that is different".  WHen I asked her "HOW is that different"?  She fumbled over some words saying "well, it just IS"....  and then said,she would have her office call me with the name of some doctors at UVA that "MAY"treat Lyme... In Charlottesville, and at Duke.  In NC.   3 1/2 and 8 hours away, respectively.   Yeah.  THAT is going to work with my dad living here...   Right.   Ok then.  

So, about 2 hours later, her office called me with four names @ UVA, and NO names at Duke, just the "Duke referral service"  number.   WHen I asked to have my appointment in 2 weeks cancelled, I was told "Oh no, keep that appointment anyway".... WTF.... WHY???????  I do not get any of this... She SAID she would try different antibiotics, when I was there, WITH MY HUSBAND...  and now that has all changed.   Seeing many patterns here....